Hario V60 pour-over drip brewing is the cheapest, easiest ways to make great coffee. All you need is a pack of good quality filters, a Hario dripper and a way to heat water.
With a manual brewing method, you can be assured the water hits the correct brewing temperature of 195-205°(unlike most auto-drip machines), and that the grounds are thoroughly saturated.
The V60 can brew an amazing cup of coffee. This is due to the unique design of the V60 which allows coffee to escape through both the sides of the brewer and the bottom. This helps create a nice even coffee brew.
One thing we’ve noticed is the lack of filter holders on the market. Upon doing further research we found a perfect sized option. The Bamboo coffee filter holder looks stellar on your counter top and a space saver. Many times we have seen filters laying on a dirty counters or the Barista struggling to free one out of a bag. This will insure a faster work flow and keep them clean.
To order, click here or pick up in store.
The post Coffee Filter Holder appeared first on Whats Brewing at Cora.