Nitro Cold Brew

Nitro Cold Brew


Nitro Cold Brew coffee adds only gas and virtually no prep time. If you haven’t had nitro coffee, it’s definitely something you won’t forget and will most likely tell your friends about. When poured it reminds you immediately of Guinness stout being poured. The dark brown liquid begins filling from the bottom, appearing more caramel than dark brown at first.

When the glass is filled, the froth quickly expands upwards. As it slows down a creamy white head forms on the top of the cup which makes you want to sip it immediately. Do keep in mind it’s not the visual presentation that brings people to love Nitro Cold Brew. The taste experience of the frothy and sweet cold brew coffee does, with the smooth mouth feel created by the nitrogen process.

Of course for customers it makes for a memorable beyond belief experience that’s great for business. At the end of the day as business owner you’ll quickly learn the amount of turnover and profit will be made because of how fast it takes to produce one cup and get them out the door during busy times. A busy traffic line can move very quickly when pouring nitro cold brew on tap and independent shops and smaller chains want to feature the most current best tasting options out there. So by delivering the coffee on tap will create profitability.

The post Nitro Cold Brew appeared first on Whats Brewing at Cora.

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