Why Coffee is Perfect in October

Why Coffee is Perfect in October

Why Coffee is Perfect in October

It makes the home smell good

Do you know anyone that has recently moved? Coffee can be a great way to make a house feel like home and invites great smells. Making coffee can be a lot of fun and brings back good memories to share. Looking at brewing equipment today, we’ve come far from the coffee pot scene. So it’s important to have a conical burr grinder and fresh roasted beans. Our signature Baratza home grinders will do the trick and give you the most flavorful brews each time. Currently we are using the Baratza Vario which creates a clean well balanced grind.

It Gets You Excited For The Day

I greatly understand this being a Barista for many years. Not everyone is a morning person and need a little extra something to kickstart the day. Just the smell, look, taste and thought of coffee can excite your senses to leap outta bed for work, school or exercising. Here at Cora we have many options for brewing coffee and kitchen countertop espresso machines that are affordable and sleek looking.

You Can Share it With Friends

Most of the customers we have and our family consume coffee on a regular basis. Nothing is better than sharing it with loved ones or introducing them to new imported coffees from Italy. We feature two different blends by danesi and Bristot each with their own flavor profile so you can be sure the chilly days are covered.

It’s Great Way to Warm Up

With fall comes the cooler weather and holding the coffee mug with both of your hands. With this said, it will warm them up on the chilly autumn morning, sipping on that tasty goodness fills the body up with even more comfort. We have the perfect solutions for you to stay indoors and brew coffee or can suggest phenomenal ways of transporting it with you.

The post Why Coffee is Perfect in October appeared first on Whats Brewing at Cora.

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